
The nature lover gathers together his outdoor-venturing equipment and sets off to discover, and to revel in nature's wonders. To immerse oneself in the solitude, the grandeur, the intimate, sometimes intimidating grasp of raw nature unveiled.
Backpack stuffed with tent, food, stove, fuel, first-aid kit, clothing change, towel, and whatever else seems sensible to survive in the wilderness for an obviously limited period of time, one sets off vigorously and in high anticipation.
Never to be disappointed by what presents itself. The rigours of the climb, clambering over steep mountain trails, encountering huge rockfalls, making one's way through a mountain slope-meadow, and up further to finally reach the tree line.
The glaciers are finally in semi-melt mode. They will only slightly melt, yet they drip incessantly, and the staccato will lull you to sleep that night. The glacier-fed mountain lake with its exquisite colour will provide you with the liquid you need, to drink and to wash.
Set up that tent, brew some tea and heat up soup and whatever perishables you've brought along. If conditions are right, and the materials are handy, even a small campfire can be managed. To light up the dark world, where you're infinitely removed from the pedestrian.
Wake to the probing sun illuminating the fabric of your tent. Pull yourself out of your tent; the day begins to warm. Reach for those boots resting beside the tent and plan your day-trips from your aerie on the top of the world.
c. 2009 J.S. Rosenfeld and R.L. Rosenfeld
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