Take a real job, one that has real value, one you will not quickly forget, one whose memory will support you through the dense, miserable days of servitude to the need of supporting yourself and a family. Now, while you still have time, see Canada's fabulous landscape of jagged mountain peaks.
And do it in the most comfortable way possible. You will have a sound, reliable cabin of your own, impervious to the weather conditions outside, high atop a mountain aerie. That cabin is well equipped, and it will be bolted to the mountain top.
Don't hesitate to bring along a companion; say a dog, or even two. they too will appreciate the adventure of living in naked nature, far removed from the kind of anti-nature we surround ourselves with, in our cement-locked cities.
Those afflicted with vertigo and insecurities, the truly gregarious-minded among you need not apply.
If you're independent and courageous and curious as all hell, give it a try. You've nothing to lose, and much, much to gain.
Think about it, you'll gain experience in a different kind of wilderness living. You will be required, for the privilege of living like an eagle, to peruse the landscape about you. You will learn to differentiate between fog and mist rising from the mountains and fire storming through the forests below.
And you will alert the natural resources authorities to any suspicion of forest fires reclaiming Canada's priceless boreal forests, charring the forest floor, enriching it in the process and encouraging new growth.
c. 2009 J.S. Rosenfeld and R.L. rosenfeld
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