Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Victim versus Victimizer

They classify themselves as victims and as such 

their plight becomes iconic in worlds far apart 

from theirs where justice weighs heavily on the 

side of victim versus victimizer and in that context 

a nation that is a beacon of liberty, equality and justice

becomes an international lightning rod for dismissive 

contempt. The occupation the nation imposed of 

necessity is one of guardianship of the safety and 

security of its beleaguered people from the unending

violence the victims perpetrate in a campaign of

extirpation meant to destroy the nation and its people. 

The victims never hesitate to decry their homeland 

lost to the usurpers whose ancient ancestral patrimony 

it is, now renewed a sliver of land in a vast sea of 

Islamic rejection of the presence of Jews who in 

1929 suffered a savagely deadly pogrom, the sudden 

surge of invasion, the pillage, the torture, the 

mutilation the mass rapes, the unbridled celebration 

of slaughter of the innocents, from children to the

aged, now repeated by the very same pathologically

psychotic impetus to savagely destroy and conquer

Judaea reborn from Hebron in 1929 to Israel in 2023.


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