Friday, December 22, 2023

Monstrous Megalomaniacs

We must name the monstrosities that confront us

for while they are real and not imagined in their 

terminal descent to the lowest gradient of humanity 

without the words to convey what we see, hear 

and feel we ourselves cannot believe the depths of

human depravity that flings itself against the illusion 

that humanity is capable of compassion and decency. 

For these are raving megalomaniacs against whose 

atrocities that defy comprehension the world stands 

divided, half in appalled disbelief and the remainder 

in appreciative awe construing their sadistic acts 

of terrorism as heroism meant to be celebrated 

in the name of self-actualization for a people 

claiming victimhood who have in the aggregate 

victimized those they have long been groomed 

and incited to loathe as rivals with a clear and just 

claim to that which is claimed by the aggressors 

whose champions excel in extolling the virtues of 

death as a sacrifice willingly offered to their god while

themselves seeking shelter from the returning fire 

of those they attack. These monstrous psychopaths

excel in extending sinister threats to others who

love life, not death; in their penchant for finding

pleasure in rape, mutilation and slaughter. So

entrenched in the nobility of their cause to 

annihilate a people and their state they record

their savagery in a triumphant conquest of evil.


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