Thursday, December 21, 2023

Israelites in Israel

No, their claim is not that of squatter's rights

although relatively speaking their migration

to the contested region is of fairly recent vintage.

Yet they are adamant, the land is theirs by

heritage rights and the ancient state of Judaea

now reestablished by the embattled diaspora

they claim are occupiers, mere settlers on

land they have no claim to much less ancestral

rights -- for the interlopers have developed a myth

all their own with language to match that it is 

they, the rightful inheritors, for not only have 

they claimed entitlement to the land but along

with it, the history and heritage of those they are

prepared to kill to augment their argument. In

their diabolical minds steeped deep in sinister

solutions to gain what belongs rightfully to others

a two-pronged campaign emerges, that of 

convincing the world of their victimhood at the

hands of illegal claimants to the ancient land

where the City of David and its splendid citadel

was consecrated to Islam, an inviolable reality

that prevails in its conquest over history, heritage

and the inalienable rights of descendants whose

gatekeepers kept the faith and welcomed at long

last the return of the weary Wandering Jew.

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