Thursday, September 6, 2018

In Their Image

Those of faith in the belief of a supreme
power accept that the spirit of whose
existence they believe is temperamental
capable of great benevolence as a
keeper of souls, yet equally able
to countenance great cruelties much
as the ancient Greeks and Romans
ascribed powerful emotions that
reside deep in the inner sanctums of
the human psyche are present in the
dramas enacted by their panoply of
gods and their part-human offspring.
Yet despite their sometimes sinister
interplays with one another and their
penchant toward viewing their human
subjects as playthings available for
their discreet use to relieve the tedium
of uncontested power they were
regarded as sublimely supreme to be
unconditionally obeyed lest their
predicable wrath fall on the feeble
heads of their disobedient challengers.
In their wisdom the gods of the upper
chambers of the universe bestowed
those very same emotions of greed
jealousy and carnal desire on their
human subjects for their pride in self
was of such a dimension only pale
imitations of their glorious appearance
the very perfection of existence would
do, completed by bestowing upon the
lesser creatures minds emulating theirs.

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