Sunday, September 30, 2018

Hauteur vs Generosity 

of Spirit

What an odd phenomenon is the
social culture of a political movement
colouring the social contract between
people and ideology giving character
to the amorphous mass that is a given
society priding their superior values
in a civil covenant distinguishing their
view of self and of others in the classic 
entitled 'us' and the backward 'them'. 
Take, for example, those committed to
the core values of progressivism
heralding themselves as liberals
expounding universalities and freedom
but whose trenchant hostilities toward
the great social unwashed of deep
conservatism drips with acid contempt.
While those they decry value nation
and liberty, civil manners and hard work
alongside appreciation of history and
heritage -- open-minded and courteous
overlooking the curt dismissiveness
of the factions that accuse them, a  
model of rational debate and defence
of hard-won respect and tolerance
knee-capped by the left. Examples
abound of self-celebrated liberalism
those progressives with their social 
culture of hostility as opposed to their
neighbours with their self-regulating
conservatism in a laid-back social culture
of inclusiveness and warmth to share.

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