Friday, June 15, 2018

The Road Trip

You plan and you pack and you
take to the open road driving to a
destination anticipating the change
ahead. If but briefly routine is
interrupted, the familiar left behind
an adventure in the distance and you
yearn to meet it. Your life expands
with expectation so even the lively
colourful sights of spring wildflowers
on the boulevard take on meaning
the daisies and lupins, hawkweed 
and fleabane portend the unexpected
and then two does suddenly appear
beside the highway as you fervently
will them not to cross but turn
back into the verdant woods they
erupted from as you pass. Your 
windshield dapples with rain as a
vulture soars above, the wind quite
obligingly lofting it ever higher its
dihedral spread with leisure under
the dark gathering of storm clouds.

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