Friday, June 1, 2018

The Lonely Planet

There are times in anyone's life when the
feeling of being bereft, frightened and alone
descends and emotional desolation takes 
possession of the soul in a descent into the
black abyss of loneliness. No one is immune
from this uncertainty so immense it overwhelms
and isolates and the wish to cry out in the
agony of aloneness suffocates the mind that
has surrendered its intelligence to the spirit
of pure unadulterated fear. We all know that in
the final analysis when nature prepares us for
our final departure we will be alone in the 
vast darkness of nothing. But it is while we
make our way through life that we seek the
comfort of another soul's search when two
meet and the spark of love bursts into flame
yet for all too many among  us the goal 
proves elusive and lonely deprivation is the
result leaving those souls lost and bereaved
that their fate is to be condemned to facing
life less the comfort of a steadfast companion
whose presence balms the weary soul. They
are not alone for many who have committed
to sharing life discover that their choice has
been in error leaving them to pursue the
endless search to no avail. This is, for far
too many bruised spirits the reality they 
face absent another human touch reaching
their absent solace. They roam the byways
of life with descending hope buoyed by the
occasional opportunity to relieve their inner
tension spilling their life-misery to briefly met
strangers through the ethernet, passing by
chance on a trip seeking solace, finding none. 

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