Tuesday, June 20, 2017


As it rushes in its frenzied
tumble down the mountain
the frigid stream meets no
resistance, twisting its
ferocious course around boulders
frothing and hissing its disdain
spreading over the expanse of
granite then narrowing as it
squeezes through rocky clefts
undeterred by an ancient
geology it has itself over
aeons past, shaped. The humid
ambiance has bred luxuriant
colonies of mosses and
rock cress nestles its
perfect white blossoms 
in the seams where the granite
face of the mountain meets
the seat of an erratic, long
since cracked off the summit
constantly hydrated by the
endless stream. Rivulets
like questing fingers rush
over the sun-glazed rockface
eddying in small pools
before trickling off to rejoin
the motherstream. A constant
musical susurration of water
outpacing its hurried path
down the slope sounds notes
reflecting a series of cascades
where butterflies float. Their
aerial mating dance flits from
foaming stream to root-gripping
trees, trunks leaning perilously
horizontal, spray spuming
great old hemlocks, birch
and pines, witness to eternity.

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