Thursday, June 22, 2017

In Science We Trust

Why, you ask, do I look depressed?
Perhaps because I am. It's science
specifically food science and medical
science. Science, as we all know
is fairly infallible, as in the statement
'the science is settled', and we glumly
adhere to what settled science tells us.
It has been chastizing us for many
years, informing us that we have
and continue to defile the temple
of our bodies, hastening ourselves
toward that bleak endless night we
name as death. Oh yes of course
there are the issues surrounding drugs
and alcohol and the dread misfortune
of addiction appealing to the Angel
of Death to hurry in and claim the
living corpse. No, that's not what has
been clinging to my mind. It's the
years of avoiding saturated fats, salt,
excessive sugar, and empty calories
absent nutrition where processed
Frankenfoods are to be avoided in
favour of ,fresh, whole foods that nature
intended us to appreciate as the
recipe for a long life. Genetically
modified crops, one area where
food science thrives is no threat to
me, but wait: science now says the
fruits and vegetables nutritionists have
urged us to consume may harm us
by causing inflammation, the nexus
of autoimmune disorders. This, the
ultimate addiction, devouring nature's
bounty seems a conceit we clasp close
and in the doing seal our fate. Absent
the fuel of food there is no life, 
but nature's formula to prolong life
is withheld and we grope for answers
eluding us, trusting in science. Hello?

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