Monday, December 5, 2016


Seasonal Wildfires

They arrive in over-heated combustion
when circumstances are just so; tinder-dry
forests, scarcity of rainfall, vigorous
hot winds and malevolence also plays
a role when aspiring pyromaniacs
lust to view the thrill of devouring flames
consume all in their way, from inanimate
to animate, animals madly dashing to
hoped-for-safety and forests withering
from life to blackened death. Towns and
villages, urban and suburban homes and
civic buildings erupt in flames even as
firefighters risk their lives in a comradeship
of death-defying covenants, placing them
within the belly of the beast to outwit
and out-manoeuvre the fire's tempestuous
madness in its all-consuming hunger to
destroy all it can humble and level and
blacken, finding its home beneath the
devastation to simmer deep within the
earth, to rest awhile awaiting other such
grand opportunities to ungratefully lay
waste to all its mistress, nature, has devised. 
But wildfires too are nature's elements of
dominion and control. She entertains herself
with fall rehearsals in the heavens above
harmlessly displaying her awesome theatricals
like an expert fire-monger teaching her servants 
immaculate procedures for maximum effect. 

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