Thursday, December 15, 2016

In Perpetual Symbiosis

The ineffable silken threads that bind
us, you and me, my dear, represent
life's declaration that binary symbiosis
rises on those rarefied occasions when
nature has guided two of her specimens
to discover, to recognize, to bind their
fates together in a subconscious yet
deliberate ceremony of intimacy and
biological harmony where one exists
at the pleasure of the other. Can we
possibly know one another on a deeper
level than the years together have
resulted in? You, my dear, are the sun
that shines on my very being, you are 
the sum total of all that gives value to 
my existence. When my eyes sight you 
my heart and soul respond leaping toward
a higher plane of consciousness. Living
alongside you, my flesh thrills to the
touch of yours, my eyes probe the depth
of yours inviting me to delve as deep as
I wish to meld my soul with yours in
perpetuity. The contract we signed with
our minds to love one another 'till death
do us part, seemed a rote formula, but as
age overtakes us it is now no idle thought
but a raw acknowledgement of our
mortality, though love like ours is, in full
plain reality, my dear, clearly immortal.


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