Sunday, December 18, 2016

A Library of Thought

It is so pleasurable, the exhilarating
glow we two share, yours well-earned
and mine reactive in response to your
gift to me, a book whose heft in my
hand exudes a promise of the exotic
meandering my way, the elegant prose
taking me to another world which I can
share with you as you do with me when
our reading takes us on diverse paths
whose revelations tease us to invite the
other to disclose newly-engaged interests.
What other gift could conceivably match
that of a book with its inherent air of
mystery and discovery, the opportunity
to read unmatched passages scripted by
those driven to share what they know
what they've seen, what they have
searched for and found to elevate their
souls, and in turn ours. What other gift
has the capacity to whisper to us of
worlds scarcely imagined yet offered 
in an irresistible volume giving of itself, 
the promise of reward delivered through 
a library of thought and substance.

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