Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Life's Mysteries

I loved him. Doesn't everyone
love a brother? A brother who was
the proverbial family favourite, the
youngest, the baby in the family. He
was no longer the baby when he
breathed large and long of the world
we live in discovering his fascination
with soft drugs and inviting me to
turn on. I was turned on, I told him,
life does that for me. I knew full well
that he too was fully absorbed in life
in all its details, its creatures, the nature
that surrounds us. He became a man
who loved to live large, and he did
just that, enjoying the world to its
fullest. Yet that fascination with drugs
was a constant presence in his life.
Never intruding, simply distracting
and perhaps in his mind adding to 
the pleasure he took in life, for he
did. I did mention he was the baby
of the family since I was already a
teen when he was born, an adored
infant. So it's hard to believe that he's
gone, so soon, well before his time.
I'm the one still turned on with life.

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