Sunday, March 29, 2015


Naughty Mischief

They are not yet all that
removed in their young lives
from the black balls of frantic
fluff we first saw and brought
home with us as mirror images
of one another, brother and
sister scamps whose curiosity
and compulsive perpetual
motion entertains and exhausts
us, simply that now we have
become more familiar with
their delightfully idiosyncratic
tics, she we dub Miss Chief
the fount of their flirtation
with devilish pranks, and he
Master Naughty whose penchant
to cuddle and kiss he augments
with dashing scampers avoiding
those caught-in-the-act exploits
of lightning-strike stealth
swift and symbolic of some
never-seen arcane presence
unfairly attributed to our two
dark marauders transformed 
from innocent puppyhood to
anarchists in residence.

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