Friday, March 27, 2015


The world is an incredulous 
village that thrives hungrily on
and thrills to its daily quota of
gossip. As vast as the globe seems
and as diverse as its peoples are
the universal appeal of gossip
dignified by the title of "news"
remains the constant universal
culture satisfying a deep-seated
human craving for curiosity
rewarded by revelations certain
to amaze, shock, entertain and
terrify the avid searcher-after news.
We are never so complacent than
when a people removed in geographic
distance behave in ways that confirm
our belief in our own infallible
superiority, nor as bewildered
that they fail to recognize the
functional entitlements we deserve
resulting from our exemplary values
and mores. More's the pity they
refrain from emulating our example.
On the other hand, if they did, what
then would serve to scandalize us?

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