Thursday, March 26, 2015

My Friend Smiles

Think of someone and 
mysteriously they happen 
to appear, despite a prolonged
absence. And there he was,
his features relaxed, smiling
a greeting, his faithful little dog 
by his side, walking without
apparent effort for a man
dependent on the helpful
thrust of a cane. His bearing
despite infirmity and age, a
testament to his military past,
this quite peaceable man.
There were many laboratory
tests and specialists to pore
over X-rays and the results
of more sophisticated medical
devices peering into his body
but no conclusive diagnosis
to explain his sudden, anomalous
collapses leading to emergency
admissions, one, then another
and a lengthy convalescence.
But he looks well and I tell
him so, and my friend smiles.

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