Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Grave Undertaking

Auschwitz survivors
Children stand behind a barbed wire fence at the Nazi 
concentration camp at Auschwitz as it is liberated by the 
Red Army

A Grave Undertaking

The excoriating venom of hatred
represents a human affliction of
visceral personal delight. The
reverse order of their paranoid
savagery is to do unto others
before they do you, of a people
with no interest in committing harm
on anyone. Psychopathic minds so
infused with the corroding malevolence
of hate they skulk in the shadows of
society until by some evil alchemy
they attain power and with it
create an avalanche of vicious 
slander and blame persuading
the majority that the minority
among them has plotted a universal
conquest of the morally unfit to
enslave the superior ethnic,
religious tribes -- so the solution
can only be the timely mass
eradication of the Jews, sub-human
lice after all, deserving of their
hideous fate. Madness prevailed 
until sanity returned and the bigots
the odious racists, the anti-Semites
brought low, the ghostly spirits
of the dead haunting those who
argued within that the tragedy of
the Jews was, after all, none of
their business, but one certainly
felt badly for them. An historical
hiatus, a new nation born from the
old, and behold, Israel! the mass
psychosis of brutal menace born
of blind hate is also born anew.

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