Thursday, October 9, 2014


An unusually overheated late 
fall day culminated with a
precipitous overnight temperature
drop creating an inversion that
left the cover on the box of his 
truck beyond merely dewy,
enough to drown a creature 
so slight its death was of no
account in the Universe. He
reached to remove the still form
gently paying tribute to its scant
presence in death as in life,
but when its sodden folded wings
were touched, its fragile legs
twitched. So he grabbed a leaf
and manoeuvred the drenched
creature with its wide white wings
onto the leaf, held it that way
in full exposure to the morning
sun, then placed the leaf with its
slight burden on a sun-warmed
rock. Soon, the moth was restored
from near-death to a renewed
passion for life and off it flew
into a new day without so 
much as a backward glance.

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