Saturday, October 4, 2014


Exiting Summer

There are glimpses, through the
canopy of beech and birch,
maple and oak, of a wide
blue sky, and the sun in full
sail on that ocean of blue
sending bright luminous 
shafts of light to flicker like
a mirror on the rippling
mountain brook, sliding down
the mountainside, slithering
like a live creature, around and
over the litter of rocks pebbling
the water's raceway, playing a
musical rush, roar and tinkle
as an orchestral counterpoint
to the brilliant peals of a passing
bluejay. Fall-tinctured foliage
flutters gracefully from branch to
forest floor, silently abandoning
life. The oak too add to the
seasonal turnover, their acorns
steadily released in the wind,
unlike the foliage, emitting an
audible !crack! of dismay, as
they meet the ground; the varied
details involved in nature's current
absorption; deconstructing summer.

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