Friday, October 17, 2014

Got You, Twice

Look here, be reasonable. No
need to treat me to an ill-natured
rant. You're no novice, there was ample
warning through the day when my
sun played peekaboo with my
angry clouds. Remember yesterday
when you were all primed to pursue
fall garden clean-up and vowed a
little shower wouldn't hold you back
and when the shower turned serious
you dug in your muddy heels and
said so what, then finally called
it a rainy day unfit for any kind of
gardening, drenched and miserable?
Hey, that was your feckless choice.
Today? Just downright reckless.
I saw you peruse the sky, half sunny,
the other half darkly overcast moving
steadily your way but you plunged 
into the forest trails regardless, sans
raingear, to tough it out. Well, tough.
It's autumn after all, and as a fellow
gardener you should know well
enough I've got my own agenda
that overrides your puny gardening
calendar. So October equals
uncompromising rain. Struggled
to secure a dry spot under a tree 
canopy didn't you? Didn't work
because rain and hail were pounding 
the atmosphere. Well, it's Nature's 
way, I tell you. Get over your fuming, 
steaming misery. No harm done. 
None, you silly cretin, intended.

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