Paradise on Earth
Well, actually, the most stunning visually beautiful places can be found right here on this lonely little Planet Earth. Think North America, imagine British Columbia, and you're fairly close. For any adventure- and nature-lovers who dream of viewing and temporarily living within the very bosom of nature, as hackneyed as that phrase may be, it's close and it's possible.It helps if you're reasonably physically fit. And if you've gone to the trouble of spending many leisure hours during the winter months working on a pattern of a kayak you've ordered out on the West Coast, and completed it to your satisfaction, making it completely seaworthy, cramming as much supplies into its limited hold as you can for a week or so of recreational aspirations all on your own, you too can have the opportunity to see these views firsthand, and snap photographs of them to share with others.

Photographs courtesy of J.S. Rosenfeld

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