Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Evading Finality

The constant companion of age
is loss, as a slow but steady
diminution of friends and
acquaintances takes place, and
dismay at the inevitable trajectory
of life's passage from vitality to 
decay and death become everyday
realities that no power on Earth
or the heavens above can erase.
Delay, however, is another option.
Our most intimate inner circle,
companions for life in experiencing
its voyage throughout the years
together begin to signal the
finality of the long and fruitful
collaboration, when steadily but
certainly they begin their leave, we
remaining in their vanishing act
much less than we were, regretfully
bidding our last farewells to robust
levels of hearing, eyesight, taste, 
mobility and finally, communication.
Gradually accustoming ourselves to
life on a slower track, evading finality.

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