Monday, September 23, 2013

Have Kayak, Will Paddle

Imagine you, in the great blue sea, paddling serenely along, the pellucid water, the warmth of the sun, eagles coasting high above, and there's a seal clownishly straddling a rock, trying to maintain balance, to keep it self from slipping off, into the water. The sun makes all of us do things like that; we're eager to capture its warmth on our bodies.

Imagine peering into shallow shoreside pools of water, and seeing within a plethora of colourful creatures, starfish in pastel colours, languidly waving their arms.

Imagine waking to a misty morning, hanging over the landscape like faint off-white gauze, casting a dreamy other-world look of surpassing beauty over everything. Imagine the mist lifting and the sun beginning to greet the day, illuminating trees, rocks, sandy beach, your neat little tent and the perfect kayak you painstakingly built from a kit, sleek and super-manoeuvrable.

photos courtesy of J.S. Rosenfeld

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