Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Stubborn, or Independent? 

Perhaps sharing the misfortune of the 
impoverished in the world of want without
access to electrical power and the ultra
puissance of computers enabling the link 
to social networking? Perhaps a Luddite,
 refusing modern technology choosing
 reliance on self-discovery? Perhaps
indifference to sharing the feeble
passions of others? Resistant perhaps
to the urge of the herd instinct. Intent
perhaps on preserving the integrity of
solitude and intimacy. Whatever the
reason, fairly unique, part of a distinct
body of those whose personal data
cannot readily be discovered by searching
that sticky web that gathers all within
the den of the predator, an internet
linked so effortlessly, elevating its
inventor to untold wealth through the
persuasive power of entrepreneurial
adventure of innocent facade, yet might 
the interpretation have dark dimensions?

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