Monday, July 29, 2013

Full Orchestration

Nature's full sturm und drang clashed
and cymballed through the atmosphere
after securely lidding the sky with
impenetrably-locked portals; nothing 
permitted to descend while the symphonic
drama was underway. The mystery deepening
until thunder rumbled its way through
and fierce daggers of light penetrated
the gloom, as both sound and light
threatened entry to huddled homes,
the wind flattening shrubbery, then the
clank and tinkle of the second symphonic
movement introduced the icy fury of
hailstones intent on levelling the frail
stems of summer's flowers to the sodden
soil. The symphony concluded on a 
grace note of continuing rainpatter, the
pizzicato delightful in its ease, lid lifted
on drumbeaten skies and light returned.

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