Friday, July 19, 2013

A Word of Advice

Just another, my dear, of life's
many truths, that the elderly feel
obliged to dispense advice. And advice
can be an intensely brittle thing; not
perhaps I can attest, meant to offend,
though at risk of umbrage, I offer my 
deepest admiration first, for those
qualities you own in abundance, only
one of which is enduring. The other
two, youth and beauty, are endearing,
unlike intelligence which does not
fade, but expands. Those who are truly 
intelligent my dear, listen well. It is a 
wonder to me and a profound regret to 
observe that such a nice girl as yourself 
carries a dangerous weapon and uses it 
recklessly. Apart from its status as a weapon, 
you know, your voice is capable of 
producing much that is good and worthwhile 
to yourself and others. Keep it primed by 
all means, if you will, but disarming it and 
using it wholesomely will earn you far
more praise and practical benefit than does
sharpening its edge with venomous spite.

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