Friday, March 29, 2013

The Universal Laboratory

Nature is an undeniable presence
of grand design, an eternal essence
of the possible, the ultimate creator.
Instructing the infant Cosmos to
action of radical gaseous diffusion
boundless energy and brilliant light
stretching well into eternity and so
to give us a home, she set about
one of her experiments in the
cooling of the radioactive chaos
sprinkling chemicals and tinkering
endlessly, absorbed in her formulae
from amoeba to primate, rejecting the
occasional model she fashioned
from starry matter, intrigued by
patient results she designed her
creatures finalizing their attributes
with emotion and language. Only
she recognizes the final model,
representing the highest order of
developed genius in the consummate
skills of the storytellers, enthralling
their audiences through the
mysterious realms of language 
and rapturous imagination.

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