Friday, March 8, 2013

An Equal Measure

A word to the wary; be wise.
In the interests of self-help
herewith a highly recommended
formula for intimate success.
The protocol is simple and reciprocal.
Distinguish lust from love, which
does not negate the former, but 
requires the latter. If intelligence
lacks, you have chosen ill; try
again. Humour and tenderness also
requisites. If he speaks, listen.
When you ask, he should acquiesce.
Dampen irritation, replace with
patience. Value his concerns and
speak together often, airing perceptions.
If habits and priorities prove discordant,
part amicably. If his courtesies and
care of you are beyond reproach,
speak your pleasure and emulate.
If familiarity breeds unease, settle
the uncertainties frankly and gently.
Stir these ingredients for relationship
calmly and with clear affection;
reversal of roles may refresh the 
approach for you may have many
years together to guide yourselves
to an elderly future. Remember the
basics: courtesy, respect, an open
mind, and loving care. The analysis
and the result with fortune, mutual
cherishing and profound commitment.

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