Wednesday, March 27, 2013

She Is

Her delighted, laughing demurral
as she met my astonished disbelief
which she must have heard
countless times from others
before me, upon divulging her age,
had a cat's purr of satisfaction,
I clearly recall.  It was not all that
long ago, was it not? Yes, since
then years have passed, but it was
always she who would claim that
age and time were irrelevant.
Perhaps then, that was so. Now,
however, they have become
terribly relevant. One sees the
ravages both age and time have
wrought upon her. Her fabulous
lightness of being has been
irremediably compromised, pace
unsteady, uncertain, and her
face deeply crevassed, her form
grown ponderous. But wait: that
old assuredness and dignity
remains intact - and the pride.

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