Monday, February 11, 2013

The Passion of Language

Words can so easily define our emotions.
Just as readily are we able to secure
ourselves behind those emotions and use
language to colour reality in shades of
abusive venom. Throw in consanguinity
and logic should have it that affection
prevails. For there is shared history there,
a half-century of love and nurturance of
that relationship. All for nothing? 
Communication is the tool to convey
how we think and feel and react, on
occasion bumping clumsily against a
confusion of language and context. And 
that hallowed memory whose recall brings
to one scenarios not shared by the other.
Speaking a common language, within
the presumed bond of intimacy one could
be forgiven for assuming emotions can be
excused in the greater interests of harmony.
But no; one proffers apology while the
other prefers vituperation; searing blame
trumps forgiveness and every effort to
genuinely surmount the intractability
of grievance held more dear than a bond
being severed. If it takes a brace to quarrel, 
it takes a like number to embrace.

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