Friday, February 15, 2013

Dining Succulently

Dinner, my dear, was sumptuously
pleasing. Thank you. The soup was
hot and fragrant, the rice nestled
softly within. The chicken breasts
delectable, enlivened by those flavour-bursts
of ginger, tomato, and mushrooms baked,
my dear, to perfection. As was the potato
pudding, crisp and toothsome; the
cauliflower sensational in its understated
clarity. Dessert presented as a splendid
diversion, delicate cups of chocolate 
cake, lofty and moist with their 
pecan-topped coffee icing, concluding
this spectacular meal. The entire
production, my dear, a divine symphony
of exquisite sensual taste. May I be so
bold as to suggest: Same time, same
place tomorrow? Is the menu set?

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