Tuesday, February 5, 2013


An Untimely Cautionary Fable

Celebrated, feted, bemedalled and 
Laureated, theirs the brilliant minds 
that prised open the mysteries of the
Universe, Nature's close-held secrets
of primitive and elemental synergies,
energy and superabundant power
withheld from the prying curiosity of
science and probing research; given to
gifted minds those intuitive superlatives
surpassing those of non-theorizing mortals.
And so, unlocked the terrifying power of
human destructive capabilities. The
paradoxes abundant, that the genius
fascism spurned when it embarked on
its mission of world domination, 
initiating annihilation of the 'race' that
produced these peerless minds of
discovery and invention has been the 
catalyst for the imminent threat of
nuclear night to complete the journey
begun through the Holocaust, to launch
another, more satisfyingly complete,
to erase all vestiges of original theory
and the final solution to unpardonable
hubris of intractable Judaic existence.

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