Your Kind, Forgiving Heart
Your suffering, my child
moves me to empty tears. I have
too long been silent witness
to the acid crucible of your
raging anger, undiluted by time.
To receive what you claim you
yearn toward, your human right
to be loved and cherished, requires
a willingness to give what you
wish to take. You excel at
denigration, not companionship,
your vitriolic biting tongue
leaves wounds that will not heal.
Even those who have wished
to love you stagger away, stunned
and bludgeoned in disbelief at
the unstinting vehemence of
your sour, castigating offence
none can defend against. In
this backdrop of felled souls
you curse a fate that leaves you
unfriended and unloved by
those you claim to violate your
trust, exploit the goodness of
your kind, forgiving heart.