Friday, November 23, 2012


Wisdom is as wisdom does.
It is, above all, wise not
to make enemies, lest
malevolence fall one's way.
What inspired an ancient sage
to convince his tribe
to be a light of moral
forbearance and good acts
of social kindness, when
human nature is such that it
reviles and resents such
guidance from others
not of their own tribe?

The inherited genius of a
people may inspire emulation
and wreak wonders in
science, medicine and art
but the prize given is bitter gall.
The wise, helpless to thwart envy,
anger and hatred attempt their
disarming solutions feigning
modesty and humility but
the outcome is inevitable; 
the malign designs called
Final Solutions....

Which, though succeeding
to an astonishingly atrocious
degree, are not as final as
planned, inspiring enemies to
recalibrate their genocidal formulae
to hope eventually to achieve
their goal while the wise draw
upon their existential experience of
endurance to fend for themselves.

Understanding full well that
those not their enemies often
find themselves in reluctant
polarizing sympathy
with those that are, and their
struggle to survive against the
forces of determined mass
annihilation is their battle alone.

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