Monday, December 12, 2011

Unhappy Narcissist

The comfortable arena of denial

does its critical function proud;

saving the ego from extreme
distress and pride in self
a needful introspection.

To void oneself of the indignity
failure to become responsible,
indulges in these plaintive
shirkings of cause and effect of
acts initiated;
sins of unrewarded commission.

But all such habits have
when paranoia breeds
defensive contempt
and the slow
degradation of relations
slide inevitably
from emotional intimacy
to brittle
distrust and breakdown.

Convinced of faultless demeanor

an open
trustingness leading to a
soft vulnerability; poor abandoned

soul, the world has turned a deaf,

uncomprehending ear to your
incomprehensible suffering miseries.

Face yourself. Speak clarity to

your reluctant inner self, unwilling

to delve deep to solve the mystery of

your goodness, charity and compassion
overwhelmed by others' cruel deceits,
not your own delusional conceits.

Be kind to yourself as a start
and those
who find it in themselves
to care deeply
for you as a cherished
kin whose genetic
inheritance you
carry in excess; find the
way to be
less rapaciously irascible with
as with yourself in despair.

Shed your bitter rancour,
there can
be no grace there, nor
salvation from
a lifetime of self
imposed, aggravated
with the induced conviction
life is your uniquely personal hell.

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