
She is a handsome, dark-haired woman.
Her smile shy, her handshake firm,
self-confident. Mother of two grown,
talented offspring. Her husband regards
her fondly, proudly tells anyone interested
of her academic professional achievement.
Back home, that is, where they were
born and educated before bringing their
education and work experience here to
benefit this country. Her certification
as a mathematics professor is, unfortunately,
not accredited here, for it is of foreign origin.
Odd, that - for the uninitiated might be
forgiven for assuming that the precise
science of mathematics is universal in
character. In her innocence she thought
a modest career resumption, say starting
from the bottom up, might be feasible.
She sought to join the workforce, to ease
herself into a position as a, for example,
bank teller, and perhaps opportunities for
advancement would arise from that point.
Alas, not to be; for she has been informed
she is not qualified, has no experience.
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