Would It Always Were

Nations whose ideologies, values
and priorities bring them in
constant differences and conflicts
minor and hugely major, still
share between themselves
serviceable advances to enlarge
and provide expeditious advantage
for humankind in gestures that
transcend antagonisms of politics
and social functions based on the
practical needs of co-operation
when the rewards are obvious
and mutually attainable.
In the fields of medical science,
engineering, Internet technology,
workplace safety, best agricultural
practices and advances in animal
husbandry, astronomy and physics,
much is gained by useful collaboration,
time-saving sharing and financial
enterprise representing the heights
of human achievement.
These potentials occur when residual
animosities and disagreements
are surmounted, when human need
and ingenuity persuades us that there
is far more to be gained through
prevailing upon politics to permit
science and basic human interests
to ultimately gain the upper hand
over limiting self-absorption.
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