Agitating Discontent

Have I then, in my dotage,
missed something truly fundamental
in the zeitgeist of teen angst and
generational polarization? Is morose
denial and belligerent waywardness
of social mores truly the current
badge of honour among the young,
intransigently suffering, never seen
in an earlier agrarian society?
The pathology and delusion appears
to have become a universal affliction,
somehow infecting the societally empowered
the spoiled generation of the privileged,
anon. Their voraciously grim and gloomy
dissatisfaction and estrangements
volatile and threateningly explosive.
In discarding the yoke of direction
and expectation they have imputed to
intolerable interference of their sovereignty
of self, denying the dictates of adults
urging them to conform to values whose
worth they dispute, they have themselves
evolved through a process of militant
rejection and obstinate demands, the
world's new class of tyrants.
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