"They're Here!"

They are rivals, competing
daily for the same edible treats,
doled courtesy of those who
appreciate all such creatures of
the woods. Swift, cleverly adaptive
they adjust with alacrity to
maximize providential gifts.
One a ground species, the
other aerial, both firmly devoted
to the acquisition of ground nuts,
the feathered fully as capable
as the furred of dislodging the
nutmeats from their firm
inedible receptacles.
The signal is expressed the
moment we enter the trailhead
to the wooded ravine. Loud and
clear, the dark sentry's declaration
"they're here!" followed by a
curiously silent and determined
retinue appearing in the trees above,
to stalk our daily disbursements.
The contest is then afoot, and
on wing, as the spoils, tree by tree,
are retrieved and possessed, for to
the swift and the fearless go the spoils.
There is no belligerence, grievance
or aggravated assault in evidence,
merely a lively game to succeed.
The natural surroundings, of nature's
elements, the timeless pursuit of
sustenance and serendipity may
provide the stage for creatures to
develop a means of conflict resolution
that has strangely and inexcusably
evaded the consciousness of humankind.
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