Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Take Heart

Photo: John Moore/Getty Images)

All will be well, after all
for this particular crisis
is well in hand. NATO has agreed
to be thrust into oversight position
by anxious coalition partners
who cannot bear the prospect
of civilian slaughter by their
very own vengeful government
and who cannot bear either
the monumental burden
inherent in yet again assuming
control and responsibility. So the
U.S. clamours for a dictator's
ouster, ignoring the dire
presence of far more destructive,
threatening tyrants and the UN
authorizes this option but not that,
while the Arab states wax hot
then cold, and NATO pledges
its neutrality to satisfy
Turkey, giving advantage
neither to government troops
nor to the al-Qaeda-backed rebels
in a spirit of fairness, for which
Western democracies are well known
posing that aeons-old dilemma of
which is the lesser of many evils?

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