It's all right, everything will be just fine.
Do not unduly exercise your imagination,
quite unnecessary and in fact guaranteed
to result in a condition close to apoplexy.
Well, yes, it is true that there are viciously
determined terrorists committing bloody
havoc abroad, but remember, this is
Canada. Get a grip. Not Somalia, Pakistan,
Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, after all: Canada.
We don't do terror. And within this country
so lavishly committed to social harmony,
so fully engaged with tender respect for the
quaint traditions and cultural heritage of
immigrants there cannot possibly erupt vile
incidents of clandestine groups fomenting
and planning to execute fanatical bloody mass
murder here, courtesy of Islamic jihad.
Perish the thought, and stifle suspicions that
that we might harbour those whose fondest,
earnest, malign intent is to divide Canadian
opinion and usher in a new age of isolation
within a readily manipulable community on
the side of victims of misfortune, an enemy
born of tribal and religious exclusion, to
defame and to persecute innocents, deflecting
attention from the stealthily creeping ascent
of brutal justice of a form unrecognized by
liberal democracies upholding freedoms.
These harbingers of a new conquest, with its
dedication to the stilling of dissent in the
claims of "Islamophobia", silencing the alarms
of clear-visioned critics, have no place in this
country; therefore they do not exist other than
in the fevered imagination of the feeble-minded
critics of fundamentalist, irredentist Islamists.
Peace and brotherhood set aside in the greater
interests of ideological power, manifest destiny.
Breathless reportage of another revealed cell of
the righteous, zealously pursuing the freedom
to opt for revenge against the Kuffar by those
cleverly integrating seamlessly into Canadian
society as engineers, technicians, IP specialists,
medical professionals. Who, conversely, pair
with niqab-wearing wives, the stuff of paranoia.
Not in Canada, Bud. R.C.M.P. and C.S.I.S.
effected arrests of "homegrown extremists"?
Take a deep breath; the charges are alleged
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