Despite the wind
chaffing tree tops
cold permeating jackets
birds lying low,
there they are, unexpected
brightly insouciant
tiny gold flowerheads
of Coltsfoot glowing
on the slope of the bank
sliding into the creek;
an overnight spectacular.
Wait, aren't those shy
spotted leaves hiding in
fall-leaf detritus
over the forest floor
emerging trout lilies?
And look, there; over
another shoulder of monotone boredom,
piecrusted flourishes of foamflower
tender green and
faintly edged in red.
There! trilliums already
nodding floral heads
soon to blaze crimson stars,
and minuscule first-year
pine seedlings needling
the rotted trunk of a nursery log.
From the sere landscape
surviving the sleep of winter
new beginnings.
c. 2009 Rita Rosenfeld
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