Monday, December 26, 2022

The Vacant Eyes of Malnutrition

Shameful milestone' in Yemen as 10,000 children killed or maimed since  fighting began

It is their soft large eyes that hold us

captivating with that expression of inquiry

and curiosity of the world they are born to.

Their beautifully expressive eyes inviting

the beholder to see the world through

theirs, a world where children are adored

and nurtured, humanity's future generated

timelessly, existing from age to age the

most priceless gift that existence offers.

Look into these eyes, the eyes of these

children born to war, expressionless and

blank for they have no curiosity and know

only privation, their limbs hang lifeless

from lank torsos, their heads a slant as

though scrawny necks cannot support

the burden of a subnourished brain. The

product of conflict, of conflict's call to

arms where arable land lies grimly fallow

whose only crops now are land mines

awaiting the unwary footstep leaving all

in ruin, and famine rules that children be

deprived of all that young minds clamour

to be exposed to, not the harsh reality of

death delivered by combatants, death

stalking the unwary the starving child.

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