Monday, December 12, 2022

Inscribed in the Book of Life

All religious devotees are piously instructed

to prize life as all religions extol themselves as 

purveyors of peace and good fellowship

emphasizing the ways of the sacred in the

divine path of the Almighty who in infinite

wisdom conferred existence upon the

universe and smiled kindly at the lifeforce

ingrained in humanity frowning only when

that creation spurned the commandments

impressed upon their consciousness to treat

others with the dignity reserved for the Spirit

who invested a spark of its own immortality

in each living thing. Somehow the messages 

to the faithful have been corrupted by those

of faint faith who portray themselves as the

arbiters of the faith's tenets as they persuade

their fellows to surrender their lives for the

greater glory of God and in the process offer

the lives of those who fail to follow their way

to God's favour. While powerful theists governing

the land declare those protesting their tyranny

to be in breach of God's divine instructions thus

forfeiting their lives as apostates, in service to God.



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