Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Grey Communion

There is much in common
between the two pairs, strangers
who could be as-yet-unmet friends
as they avow on meeting by a
chance walk in the woods in
opposite directions, their love
of a forest environment and
their devotion to their companion
dogs, the binding elements. Within
those two subjects there is much
to discuss, subjectively and oh,
so emotionally, and so they linger
and exchange the woes of the
departed ones along with the
pleasures of the current ones,
though one does not heal the
other. Finally, just before parting
a courteous exchange of names
followed by good wishes as the
four grey heads, two in each
direction, bob away from each
other picking their way carefully
over the gravelled, pine-needled
trail, one in each party turning
to the other to enquire: What were
their names again? --- their small
dogs simply happy to careen along.

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