Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Force of Nature

Asia has transplanted itself
seamlessly, with a surge of
dynamism born of patient 
doggedness and its entrepreneurial
spirit, within another continent
far from its own, as it relentlessly
outgrows its broad and generous
outlines of geography, reaching
its human tentacles abroad.
There, the cantons of Asia have
established a presence with the
first few tenuous pioneers
followed by wave after wave
of resolve to bring the streams
to populate within other cultures
younger, less imperative and
resilient, to overtake and overcome
all resistance, bringing Oriental
adeptness, skill and acumen to
fecund display and prominence;
useful, charming, engulfing dark
heads bobbing to burst the bubble
of indigenous domination, with
isolated sound, colour, display and
innovation, indifferent to the society's
values it steamrollered so impassively,
no quarter given, no swords drawn,
simply the stoic, inevitable of
increase and appeal of cuisine,
custom and invariably courtesy.

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