Sunday, March 16, 2014

Selfies 'R Them

The Wonder Of It All!
Here's a challenge to Immaculate
Conception, the immaculate 
conception that the young,
fecund and self-absorbed have
embarked on their own brave
new frontier upstaging in their
pride of conception-and-creation
of a new generation unlike any
other before them, and for Mama
goddess-worship! In their arms
newborns and infants nestle,
at their bosoms, newborns and
rugrats nuzzle suckling in full
public display. Entitled; the public
cowering lest they be named
unprogressive, condemning of
mother-and-child. And they,
those sacred Madonnas, pose
for the admiring, adoring public
incited to gaze fondly on the
vision of a dreamy-eyed mother
achieving celebrity through the
heroics of defying the etiquette of 
a social contract they disdain. Any 
who object to becoming unwitting
witness to public displays of
naked mother-child nurturing 
rather than worshipping the
eternal image given new life by
these self-adoring thespians are
nothing short of joy-killers, despite
that they have themselves borne
the ritual as mothers, capable of
providing for their infants' intimate
needs eschewing public display.

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