Saturday, February 22, 2014

They're Back!

They've returned, those dark
brooding spawn of witches'
brew, their hooded eyes glaring
prepared to feed off forest
carrion, a murder of crows.

Representing to some the
very presence of arcane evil
incarnate the stuff of hideous
nightmare scenarios. On the
other  hand, to some they present
as precociously clever, adept
to opportunities, alert to the
ill will of those who detest
their presence; reciprocating
in their own inimitable way.

They are astute and yes, of
course opportunistic, recognizing
our presence and what it purports
sentries posted at known sites
to raise the alert when we
appear, and soon nearby trees
and the skies above host their
dark forms as they follow our
progress, swooping to retrieve
the deposits, their patient treat.

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